Shanghai, China - 2 Sept 2010 |
Sponsors |

A subsidiary of electronic trading pioneer Instinet, Chi-X Global is a global provider of market infrastructure technologies and trading venues. Through regional Chi-X trading platforms, Chi-X Global aims to provide investors around the world with the most efficient markets possible through their high-speed, low-cost, intelligent trading models, while its separately operated Chi-Tech services unit, whose data management and trading technologies have been deployed by some of the world’s leading exchanges and financial firms, provides a range of end-to-end trading and market data technologies. Chi-X Global believes that truly competitive, technology-driven markets benefit all participants in the trading process – investors, brokers and the primary exchanges – by making the market more attractive to the global trading community, which ultimately helps to increase overall market volumes and improve investor performance.
The name Chi-X is derived from the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet, “χ” (Chi), symbolizing the “crossing,” or matching, of the two sides of a trade. Along with the “X” from the English alphabet, the name signifies a combination of the old world and modern world, or traditional securities trading techniques married with cutting-edge technology.
For further information, please contact:

Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small- and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. The company's corporate and investment banking, and sales and trading businesses operate under the Bank of America Merrill Lynch brand. Bank of America Merrill Lynch focuses on middle-market and large corporations, institutional investors, financial institutions and government entities. It provides innovative services in M&A, equity and debt capital raising, lending, trading, risk management, research, and liquidity and payments management. Bank of America Merrill Lynch serves clients in more than 150 countries and has relationships with 99 percent of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies and nearly 96 percent of the Fortune Global 500.
美国银行是全球最大的金融机构之一,为个人消费者、中小企业以及大型公司,提供一系列的银行、投资、资产管理、以及其它金融和风险管理的产品和服务。美国 银行在美国提供无与伦比的便利服务,以6,000间银行办事处,超过18,000自动柜员机及屡获殊荣的网上银行,服务超过5,900万消费者和小型企业,并拥有3,000多万活跃网上用户。美国银行是全球领先的财富管理公司,也是全球首屈一指的企业和投资银行服务公司,为全球企业、政府、机构和个人提供金融服务。 拥有业界领先的服务质素,美国银行为超过400万位小企业业主提供一套富有创新性、易于使用的在线产品和服务。美国银行在150多个国家有客户服务, 美国银行的股票(纽约证券交易所代码: BAC )是道琼斯工业平均指数的成分股,并在纽约证券交易所上市。 |

Founded in 1995, Hundsun Technologies Inc. is the top software vendor for China's financial services industry.
As the market leader and the only total solution provider in the Chinese capital market, Hundsun employs over 1800 professionals and count over 90% of China's brokerage firms, asset management companies, banks, insurance and pension fund companies as our clients.
Our suite of products includes investment management and trading platforms, compliance, risk-management, retail and e-commerce solutions for both the buy-side and the sell-side institutions.
You can find in China:
• over 30 thousand financial branches are connected through Hundsun platforms
• 3 trillion RMB worth of China securities assets is managed by Hundsun systems
• over 100 million retail and institutional investors conduct transactions using Hundsun solutions
Hundsun is headquarted in Hangzhou and has subsidiaries in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States. For more information, please visit
公司全力打造证券大集中交易平台、金融衍生品综合管理系统、机构投资者的投资交易管理系统(OMS)、登记过户系统(TA)、风险管理系统、资产估值与会计核算系统、呼叫中心、CRM等系列产品;服务于境内90%以上的基金管理公司和保险资产管理公司,80%以上的证券公司,50%以上的信托公司,40%以上的期货公司,以及各主要的商业银行,在软件系统架构设计、产品研发、售后服务等方面,具备强劲的技术实力和竞争优势。 |

As one of the world's leading banks, Credit Suisse provides its clients with private banking, investment banking and asset management services worldwide. In its Investment Banking business, Credit Suisse offers securities products and financial advisory services to users and suppliers of capital around the world. Operating in 57 locations across 30 countries, Credit Suisse is active across the full spectrum of financial services products including debt and equity underwriting, sales and trading, mergers and acquisitions, investment research, and correspondent and prime brokerage services. Further information about Credit Suisse can be found at
Advanced Execution Services® (AES) is Credit Suisse's award-winning suite of algorithmic trading strategies, tools, and analytics for global trading across equities, options, futures and foreign exchange. With AES’s tools, traders can improve performance versus benchmarks, work orders on multiple liquidity pools, and add consistency to the trading process. The AES team is dedicated to a philosophy of constant improvement and innovation. AES continues to evolve as new trends develop in the marketplace and as our research teams discover more effective trading techniques. This is why AES has been recognized consistently as the leader in algorithmic trading. For more information please contact AES® Trading Desk +852 2101 6443 / (toll free) +800 222 2334. |

Bloomberg L.P. began in 1981. Mike Bloomberg’s goal was to create an information service, news, and media company that provides business and financial professionals with the tools and data they need on a single, all inclusive platform.
The New York-based company employs more than 10,000 people in over 135 offices around the world. Bloomberg is about information: accessing it, reporting it, analyzing it and distributing it, faster and more accurately than any other organization. The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL® service, the core product of Bloomberg, is the fastest-growing real-time financial information network in the world.
The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service is the source of real-time and historical financial news and information for central banks, investment institutions, commercial banks, government offices and agencies, law firms, corporations and news organizations in over 160 countries.
Our customers trade, do research, and communicate using the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service to help them make decisions and to execute. Information is delivered to their desktops in whatever way they need it - any time, anywhere.
彭博公司成立于 1981 年,其创始人 Mike Bloomberg 的目标是:创建一家资讯服务、新闻和传媒公司,打造一个无所不包的资讯平台,为企业及财经专业人士提供其所需的工具和数据。
公司总部位于纽约,遍布全球的办事处超过 135 个,雇员人数超过 10,000 名。彭博业务均围绕资讯展开,其致力于比任何其他机构更快、更准确地获取、报告、分析及发布资讯。作为彭博的核心产品,彭博专业服务是世界上发展最快的实时财经资讯网络。
彭博专业服务为全球 160 多个国家/地区的中央银行、投资机构、商业银行、政府部门和机关、律师事务所、企业以及新闻机构提供实时的和过往的财经新闻和资讯。

Fidessa group is the leading supplier of multi-asset trading, portfolio analysis, decision support, compliance, market data and connectivity solutions for firms involved in trading the world’s financial markets. Fidessa’s products and services are built on the simple vision of making it easier to buy, sell and own financial assets of all types on a global basis.
Fidessa’s products and services are used by over 85% of tier-one, global financial institutions and, uniquely, serve both the buy-side and sell-side communities.
Fidessa’s global network carries $640 billion of flow a month covering DMA, Care and Algorithmic orders, IOIs and FIX Allocations between over 2,400 buy-sides and 530 brokers across 130 markets worldwide.
Headquartered in London and with operations across Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East, Fidessa supports over 25,000 users across 850 clients, serving a broad spectrum of customers from major investment banks and asset managers through to specialist niche brokers and hedge funds.
Fidessa group is listed on the London Stock Exchange (symbol FDSA) and is a FTSE 250 company. Fidessa has a turnover of around £240m, has delivered 30% compound growth since its 1997 listing and now employs 1,500 people globally.
Fidessa 集团是多元资产交易、资产组合分析、决策支持、合规性、市场数据和连通解决方案的领先供应商,为全球金融市场上的交易公司提供支持。简化全球客户买卖和拥有各种金融资产的流程,
Fidessa 为超过 85% 的全球一流金融机构提供产品和服务,而且是唯一一家同时为买卖双方效劳的供应商。
Fidessa 全球网络月交易额可达 6,400 亿美元,涉及全球 130 个市场中 2,400 多个买家和 530 名经纪人之间的直接市场落盘 (DMA)、管理与算法订单、投资兴趣指标 (IOI) 以及 FIX 配额。
Fidessa 总部设于伦敦,分公司遍及欧洲、北美、亚洲和中东地区,为 850 家客户的 25,000 多名用户提供支持。客户范围极为广泛,包括大型投资银行、资产经理、专业利基经纪人及对冲基金等。
Fidessa 集团是伦敦证券交易所的上市公司(标志 FDSA)。 |

Transaction Network Services (TNS) has been a leading provider of mission critical connectivity and data services to financial communities since 1990.
As one of the first organisations in the world, TNS deployed a dedicated financial community extranet which is resilient, highly secure and supports VPNs, eCommerce (including FIX), straight through processing and the delivery of market data from exchanges or market data vendors.
Since its inception, TNS has expanded its network coverage extensively around the globe, including the Asia Pacific region, North America and Europe.
Choose TNS for:
• Hosting & Co-location
• 3rd Party & Order Routing Services
• On-net Connectivity within Days of Request
• 24x7x365 Network Monitoring
• Customer Portal (Ordering & Monitoring)
• Connection to Over 1500 Financial Community End-points Around the World
• Access to eCommerce and FIX connectivity, Proprietary Trading, Broker Dealers, Exchanges, MTFs, ATS and ECNs
Participants Include: Fund Managers, Proprietary Trading, Broker Dealers, Exchanges, MTFs, ATS and ECNs
TNS’ Financial Instruments Include: Equities, Foreign Exchange, Derivatives, Fixed Income and Options Hosting
To find out how TNS can help you stay ahead of the market in the fast paced financial world, visit or contact John Pilch / Stephanie Chung on +65 9822 5698 / +852 3180 9302 or /
自1990年以来,Transaction Network Services (TNS)公司一直是向金融界提供关键业务连接与数据服务的领导者。
• 托管和主机代管
• 第三方和买卖盘传递服务
• 发出请求几天内实现网上连接
• 24x7x365网络监视
• 客户门户(订购和监视)
• 连接至全球1500多个金融终端
• 访问电子商务和FIX连接、自营买卖、经纪自营商、交易所、多边交易系统、ATS和电子交易系统。
欲垂询TNS如何帮助你在快速发展的金融界提前了解市场信息,敬请访问网站,或者通过电话+65 9822 5698/ +852 3180 9302或邮箱 schung@tnsi.com联系John Pilch/Stephanie Chung。 |

Nomura is a leading financial services group and the preeminent Asian-based investment bank with worldwide reach. Nomura provides a broad range of innovative solutions tailored to the specific requirements of individual, institutional, corporate and government clients through an international network in over 30 countries. Based in Tokyo and with regional headquarters in Hong Kong, London, and New York, Nomura employs about 26,000 staff worldwide. Nomura's unique understanding of Asia enables the company to make a difference for clients through five business divisions: retail, global markets, investment banking, merchant banking, and asset management. For further information about Nomura, please visit

First Derivatives is a leading provider of consulting and software solutions to the global capital markets industry. Focused on financial institutions that work cross asset, often with multi-system and/or high volume trading activities First Derivatives scopes, designs, develops, implements and supports a broad range of mission critical data and trading systems across front, middle and back office operations.
First Derivatives is headquartered in the United Kingdom and operates from purpose built premises, where it has established its training and on-shore/near support facilities. The company has continued to expand its service and product offering and has established a regional office in Australia.
Our flagship Delta product suite offers high performance Trading, Risk Management, Market Data, Complex Event Processing and Analysis applications including full end to end Low Latency Algorithmic Trading platform.
First Derivatives has continued to enhance its product offerings and global presence through the acquisitions of Reference Data Factory (RDF) and the assets of Cognotec. RDF is a global leader in the field of financial data management, including data architecture, reference data, data models and security master software. Cognotec is a leading global supplier of systems for FX pricing, execution and through the "next generation" RealStream product, direct access to the world's top 15 FX liquidity providers.
For further information on First Derivatives please visit
First Derivatives是一个提供咨询和软件解决方案给全球资本市场行业的领先供应商。First Derivatives集中在金融机构的资产运作,经常使用在多系统和/或高交易的活动。First Derivatives实施和支持广泛的关键数据任务和交易系统横跨前,中,后交易平台。
First Derivatives 的总部设在英国是以培训和支援设施为目的而建设的。该公司继续扩大其服务和产品提供,并在澳大利亚建立了地区办事处。
通过收购Reference Data Factory(RDF)和Cognotec的资产,First Derivatives不断在加强提供的产品和扩展全球业务。 RDF在管理财务数据的领域拥有全球领先的地位,包括数据结构、参考数据、数据模型和安全软件。Cognotec的外汇交易系统在全球占据领先地位,和 “下一代”的RealStream产品能够连接到世界排名前15位的外汇流通供应商。
有关First Derivatives 更进一步的信息,请访问。 |

HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to more than 125 million customers through four customer groups and global businesses: Personal Financial Services (including Consumer Finance); Commercial Banking; Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets; and Private Banking.
HSBC Global Banking and Markets is an emerging markets-led and financing-focused business that provides tailored financial solutions to major government, corporate and institutional clients worldwide. With offices in more than 60 countries and territories, Global Banking and Markets offers clients geographic reach and deep local knowledge.
In HSBC’s Global Markets, the FIX Protocol has been implemented across the four primary asset classes; Equities, Futures, FX and Fixed Income.
HSBC’s cross asset FIX implementation helps customers enjoy the benefits of having a single cost effective connection to HSBC Global Markets enabling them to trade a comprehensive mix of products across a large 102 execution destination footprint.
HSBC is a major user of advanced technology. Its e-business channels include the internet, PC banking and telephone banking via both fixed and mobile phones.
HSBC’s world-class global presence and local accessibility ensure that the Group is well placed to offer a premier service around the world to all its clients, whether corporate, institutional, government or supranationals with all their financing, risk and investment needs. |

A division of NYSE Euronext (NYX), NYSE Technologies provides comprehensive transaction, data and infrastructure services and managed solutions for buy-side, sell-side and exchange communities that require next-generation performance and expertise for mission critical and value-added client services. This division operates four units: the Global Connectivity unit, offering one of the world's largest, most reliable financial transaction networks connecting firms and exchanges worldwide; the Trading Solutions unit, which creates and implements high performance, end-to-end messaging software and real-time market data distribution and integration products; the Exchange Solutions unit, which provides multi-asset exchange platform services, managed services and expert consultancy; and the Global Market Data unit, which offers a broad array of global market information products covering multiple asset classes. With offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia, NYSE Technologies' advanced integrated solutions for a wide range of services has earned the ability to power the trading operations of global financial institutions and exchanges. For additional information visit:
NYSE Euronext(NYX)旗下部门NYSE Technologies为那些需要在关键业务与增值客户服务方面对绩效和专门技术进行升级换代的买方、卖方及交易所团体提供全面的交易、数据及基础设施服务与托管解决方案。该部门下辖四个业务组:Global Connectivity 业务组提供连接世界各地公司和交易所的全球最大、最可靠的金融交易网络之一;Trading Solutions 业务组创建并执行高性能、端对端的通讯软件和实时的市场数据分配和集成产品;Exchange Solutions 业务组提供多元资产交易所平台服务、托管服务和专家咨询服务;Global Market Data业务组提供种类广泛、覆盖多元资产类别的全球市场信息产品。NYSE Technologies在美国、欧洲和亚洲均设有办事处,其针对各种服务的先进集成解决方案,使之能够为全球性金融机构和交易所的交易运营提供动力。欲了解更多信息,请访问: |

Omgeo creates certainty in post-trade operations through the automation and timely confirmation of the economic details of trades executed between investment managers and broker/dealers. Every day Omgeo enables an efficient community of more than 6,000 financial services clients in 46 countries to manage matching and exception handling of trade allocations, confirmations, and settlement instructions. Omgeo has also extended its trade lifecycle coverage to include counterparty risk management, which supports end-to-end collateralization and reconciliation across multiple asset classes. Leading organizations rely on Omgeo to help manage an increasingly complex investment industry by providing operational stability and solutions that complement the focus on profitability in an era of escalating trade volumes. Across borders, asset classes, and trade lifecycles, Omgeo is the global standard for operational efficiency across the investment industry. Formed in 2001, Omgeo is jointly owned by the DTCC and Thomson Reuters. For more information about Omgeo, please visit
Omgeo 通过自动处理并及时确认投资经理与券商之间所执行交易的经济详情,确保交易后的运作得以顺利进行。Omgeo 每天都为遍及 46 个国家或地区的 6000 余家金融服务业客户提供服务,使他们可以高效地管理交易分配、交易配对和交收指示发送运作中的异常情况的处理。Omgeo 还帮助客户扩大了其交易周期的涵盖范围,将交易对手方的风险管理也纳入其中,即支持跨多个资产类别的端到端的担保金合同管理与对帐。在交易额逐渐增长的时代,许多商家都非常注重收益性,Omgeo 可以提供与此相称的运作稳定性和解决方案,因此赢得了业界领先机构的信赖,可帮助其管理日益复杂的投资行业。无论是在跨境交易、多样化资产类别还是涵盖整个交易周期,Omgeo 为整个投资行业的运营流程树立了全球标准。Omgeo 成立于 2001 年,由 DTCC 和 Thomson Reuters 共同拥有。有关 Omgeo 的更多信息,请访问。 |

Citi Electronic Execution
The right choice will get you there.
When it comes to choosing electronic execution solutions, you need a global provider that can manage all of your trading needs. You want premium execution tools, unique liquidity and innovative technology that meet the challenges of today's complex global markets. Citi Electronic Execution will get you there.
Citi, the leading global financial services company, has some 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 100 countries, providing consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, and wealth management. Citi's major brands include Citibank, CitiFinancial, Primerica, Smith Barney and Banamex. Additional information may be found at or

With access to one of the largest liquidity pools in Global Equities (including #1 market share
on Euronext), Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking's Global Execution Services
team offers global coverage across 65 markets, comprehensive liquidity solutions, advanced
algorithms and an integrated execution product, which includes all equities & ETFs.
At the core of Société Générale’s universal banking business model, the Corporate & Investment Bank is a well-diversified and leading player with nearly 11, 000 professionals present in 33 countries across Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific. Standing by its clients across sectors, the Corporate & Investment Bank tailors solutions for them by capitalising on its worldwide expertise in investment banking, global finance, and global markets.
For Corporates, Financial Institutions and public sector: providing a global advisory approach (M&A, debt, equity transaction, capital structure, and asset & liability management), as well as quality capital raising solutions across the debt and equity spectrum, optimised financing and expert risk management responses notably in the realm of foreign exchange and rates derivatives.
For investors: offering reliable and sound investment opportunities and risk management solutions through its integrated global markets platform delivering seamless access to markets (equity, rates, credit, currencies, commodities and derivatives), as well as advice and solid financial engineering, quality of execution and forward-looking research across asset classes. |

Autex has played an integral part in the trader workflow for four decades. At the heart of this business is the leading Autex platform for equity Indications of Interest (IOIs) and one of the world’s largest FIX networks.
Autex’s state-of-the-art Smart IOI™ technology analyzes real-time and historical order flow to match buy-side institutions with intelligently-routed Natural liquidity from broker-dealers globally. The Smart service supplements a broker-dealer’s original list of targeted addressees with buy-side clients actively trading on the contra-side, exposing the buy-side to liquidity they would not normally see.
Autex Trade Route, the global standard for multi-asset class FIX order routing, provides both liquidity and access to over 1,100 of the world's leading institutional and brokerage firms. Over 1.5 billion shares are traded daily over 8,000+ connections between subscribers.
Autex is owned and operated by Tradeweb, a leading global provider of online markets, majority owned by Thomson Reuters.
Autex的先进Smart IOITM科技可分析实时和过往的买卖指令流程,为买方机构和全球经纪交易商的智能路由自然流动性做出配对。此外,这项服务能补充经纪交易商原有对象名单的不足;由于买方客户活跃进行反方交易,买方可从而获得平常难以取得的流动性。
作为多重资产类别金融信息交换指令路由服务的全球标准,Autex Trade Route能为客户提供全球超过1,100家著名机构和经纪行的流动性与联系途径,而每日交易的股份超过150万股是通过8,000多户之间的联系。
Autex由领先的全球网上市场供应商Tradeweb拥有和运营,并由汤姆森路透持有大部份股权。 |

About SunGard
SunGard is one of the world’s leading software and technology services companies. With more than 20,000 employees and 25,000 customers in 70 countries, SunGard provides software and processing solutions for financial services, higher education and the public sector. SunGard also provides disaster recovery services, managed IT services, information availability consulting services and business continuity management software. With annual revenue exceeding $5 billion, SunGard is ranked 380 on the Fortune 500 and is the largest privately held business software and IT services company.
Our Solution in China
SunGard China couples international expertise with local knowledge. With a service and development team of nearly 600, we are committed to providing world-class, best-of-breed solutions to China’s finance industry and higher education sector.
SunGard’s Global Trading Business (formerly GL Trade) provides a comprehensive range of advanced trading solutions from the front to the back office across all listed asset classes. We offer global market coverage with access to over 120 liquidity pools worldwide, and a liquidity management suite encompassing order management, advanced execution and smart order routing.
Please visit for more information.
SunGard Global Trading 提供针对所有上市资产类别,贯穿前台至后台的全面高级交易解决方案。我们为全球市场提供120多个资金池准入途径,以及涵盖下单管理,先进订单执行和智能下单路由的全订单管理系统。

About Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable private clients franchise. A leader in Germany and Europe, the bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. With 80,849 employees in 72 countries, Deutsche Bank offers unparalleled financial services throughout the world. The bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people.

Corporate Profile
Charles River Development is a front- and middle-office software solutions provider to more than 300 investment firms in the institutional, wealth management/trust, alternative, mutual fund, insurance, pension fund and fund administration/custody markets in over 35 countries. The Charles River Investment Management System (Charles River IMS) is an institutional-class multi-asset, multi-currency software suite that consists of five main modules: Charles River Manager for portfolio management and modeling; Charles River Compliance for real-time pre-trade, in-trade, post-execution and end-of-day
compliance monitoring; Charles River Trader for order management, electronic trading and execution management; Charles River Post-Trade for the centralized management of trade matching, confirmation, and settlement workflow; and Charles River Performance for daily performance measurement, attribution, and performance risk.
Charles River IMS features a modern, proven, N-Tier service oriented architecture (SOA) that is highly scalable and supports continuous 24x7 operations. Message-based APIs and exposed Web Services facilitate rapid systems integration. The system is fully integrated with the Charles River Network, a broker-neutral, financial network that incorporates global real-time electronic trading via FIX (Financial Information eXchange). Charles River also offers comprehensive FIX network and implementation services, as well as hosting and application management solutions.
关于Charles River Development
Charles River Development是一家前台及中台软件与方案提供商,服务于35多个国家的机构投资、财富管理/信托、另类投资、共同基金、保险、养老金、账户管理/托管机构行业的超过300家投资公司。Charles River Investment Management System (Charles River IMS) 是一种机构级别的多资产类别,多币种的软件套件,包括5个主要组件: 用于组合管理与模型建立的Charles River Manager;用于实时的交易前、交易中、执行后及日终合规监查的Charles River Compliance;用于订单管理、电子交易及执行管理的Charles River Trader;用于集中化的交易匹配管理、确认和结算流程的Charles River Post Trade;以及用于每日绩效评估,归因和绩效风险的Charles River Performance.
Charles River IMS拥有已经过广泛验证的现代化N层服务导向架构(SOA),具备高扩展性,支持24x7连续作业。基于消息的API和开放式网络服务有助于快速进行系统集成。Charles River IMS与Charles River Network全面集成,Charles River Network为经纪中立的金融网络,通过FIX(金融信息交换)提供全球性的实时电子交易功能。Charles River也提供全方位的FIX网络及实施服务以及托管和应用管理方案。

BT provides networked IT services to the global financial services community. BT offers a portfolio of services that includes access to largest secure networked financial services community in the world as well as world-leading voice trading systems. BT is one of the world’s leading suppliers of trading communications and collaboration solutions to financial organisations. BT provides secure, reliable, scalable connectivity and hosting to the global financial services community through the BT Radianz Shared Market Infrastructure which connects over 14,000 financial customer locations around the world, while providing access to more than 400 application service providers from over 250 of the world’s leading providers of application services and content. BT’s ITS voice trading architecture is used by 60,000 traders across 51 countries. With its multimedia capabilities and ergonomic design, ITS.Netrix provides traders with the ability to manage all communications channels including voice, video, instant messaging, email and web through a single, fully configurable device.
BT is a Premier Member of FIX Protocol Ltd and is an active participant in FIX activities around the world. Its network supports thousand of organisations internationally that use the FIX Protocol.