Since its launch in 2009, the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers Annual Banking Conference has quickly become one of the most important banking events in Hong Kong. The conference is specially designed to cater for the banking professionals in Hong Kong and covers the issues that are highly related to the local banking community. This flagship event attracted over 350 delegates from a great cross-section of the banking industry every year.
The theme for this year is "The Year of Transformation - Heading into a New Era", reflects that HK is in a crucial time when both the domestic and global environments are rapidly changing and unstable. The event will discuss the opportunities and challenges of Hong Kong particularly on the changing role of HK as a matured offshore RMB centre and what are the growth drivers beyond RMB business.
In the format of presentations, panel discussions, lively debates between banking executives and networking luncheon, it will provide insights into the future of the Hong Kong's banking industry.
1st Prize Winner (Apple iPhone5)
2nd Prize Winner (Samsung Galaxy Note LTE)
Lie Ken Jie Renny KL
Chief Risk Officer
Hong Kong and Macau
Chan Shing Yin, Jackson
Head of Hong Kong Central District
Branch Management
Channel Management
Bank of China
Morning Session Topics
• Hong Kong - Heading into a New Era
• Challenges and Opportunities for the Hong Kong Banking Industry
• The Growth Drivers in and Beyond RMB Business
• RMB Internationalization: The Roles of Hong Kong and Shanghai
• The HKIB Annual Survey On Customer Demands and Satisfaction
Afternoon Session Topics
Corporate & Commercial Banking Stream
• The Impacts of Basel III on the Business Model
• New Horizons in Corporate Banking
• Risk and Opportunities for Banks in Asian as European Banks
• From Uncertainties to Opportunities
Personal Banking and Private Banking Stream
• The Outlook of Retail RMB Business and the Evolving Business Model
• Where are the New Growth Drivers
• Digital Strategies - Exploring the New Possibilities
• How Regulatory Changes Affects the Operation of Retail Banks
Risk Management and Compliance Stream
• FATCA - It's Now Time to Mobilise
• What Risk Managers Can Do to Outperform
• Enhanced Compliance and Security
• Operational Risk Management - Data Privacy and Information Handling
• Creating an Effective Framework to Control Financial Crime
• Regulatory Update: Anti Money Laundering Regulation
(Topics shown above are for reference only and are subject to revision)