Time |
Agenda |
9:00am |
Remarks 欢迎词
Fildes, Co-Chair FPL Asia Pacific Regional Committee, and Director of
Strategic Development, GETCO Asia
9:15am |
Panel Discussion: The Latest in Electronic Trading and FIX
专题探讨∶ 中国及全球电子交易及FIX发展趋势
The panelists will discuss the latest issues in trading, both
domestically and internationally, include dark pools, high frequency trading
etc. This session will also provide an update on how the FIX family of
standards has developed over the past 12 months and the key initiatives in
the pipeline.
· John
Fildes, Director of Strategic Development, GETCO Asia
· Ofir Gefen, MD, Head of Research & Liquidity Management, ITG Asia Pacific
· Dean
Ashley Owen, China Chief Representative, Newedge Shanghai Representative
· Lisa Taikitsadaporn, Managing Partner, Brook Path Partners, Inc., Member, FPL Global Technical Committee Governance Board, and Chair, FPL Fixed Income Technical Subcommittee
Moderator: Edward
Mangles, Regional Director, Asia Pacific, FIX Protocol Ltd, and Director,
9:55am |
EzSTEP: a small step for SSE, a big step for STEP [ download presentation PDF ]
交易所技术∶ 挑战与解决方案
This session will
look at what exchanges require today and what they will require in the future
as business models and markets are developing. This session will
discuss the latest initiatives of SSE and its future plan.
Dr. Bai Shuo, CTO, Shanghai Stock Exchange
10:25am |
The Latest Update in QDII Fund Market and Cross-Border ETFs [ download presentation PDF ]
The speaker will outline the development of QDII fund market
over the past year and the growing interest of through cross-border ETFs.
Sam Young, Head of 2RICH QDII
Research, FX168 Group
10:40am |
Break 茶点
11:10am |
Panel Discussion: Relevant Tools of the Trade
专题探讨∶ 交易系统及技术的最新趋势
This session will focus on the current and future trends of
trading tools for both domestics and international trades (connectivity,
EMS/OMS, TCA etc.). This session will also discuss the trend of growing
use of international solutions to tackle local issues.
· Ken Chan, Senior Account Director, North Asia, Progress Software
· Fan Jing Wu, CTO, Hundsun
· Huang
Yue, General Manager Assistant of Real Time Information Business Department, SSE Infonet Co.
Ltd, Shanghai Stock Exchange
· Shen
Tao, Head of Algorithmic Trading, Guosen
Moderator: George Jia,
Chief Representative & China Business Manager, Shanghai Representative
Office, Omgeo
11:50am |
Update - Shenzhen Stock Exchange [ download presentation PDF ]
This session will discuss the latest technology initiatives
and plan of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Zeng Haiquan, Senior Manager, IT Strategy and Planning Department, Shenzhen Stock Exchange
12:15pm |
Lunch 交流午餐
1:30pm |
Liquidity Evolution of China A and B Shares [ download presentation PDF ]
Undeniably, Chinese stock market has gone through rapid
development in the last decade. It spurred institutional investors’ interest
from all around the world and generated a lot of questions related to the
investability of the country. How different and how liquid is it? What is the
magnitude of the trading frictions such as market impact and spreads? This
study tries to answer these questions for China A and B shares, since they
have quite different structures, and to shed some light on their similarities
and differences.
Kathryn Zhao, Executive Director, Head of
Quantitative Solutions APAC, J.P. Morgan
2:00pm |
Panel Discussion: CTO Panel - What are on the Buyside
and Sellside Wish List?
In an evolving market, many issues, challenges and opportunities face firms
that are using the advanced tools in trading. This session will
bring together the CIO and CTOs from both the buy and side side to explore
the technological challenges they are facing and assessing the trading
technology available to them for both domestic and international trades.
· Alex
Gao, CTO, HFT Fund Management
· Gao
Shong, General Manager, IT, PICC Asset Management Company Limited, Munich Ergo Asset Management GmbH
· Bruce Wang, Head of e-Solutions Department, CITICNewEdge
Moderator: Hua Zhang,
Analyst, Celent
2:45pm |
Break 茶点
3:15pm |
Understanding the Connectivity Ecosystem & Finding the
Optimal Structure
The connectivity ecosystem
of various markets will be illustrated thru real-life simulations. The
speaker will outline how we can maximize the cost efficiency of connections
based on the findings.
David Wilkinson, Senior Director, Business Development, Equinix Asia-Pacific
3:30pm |
Panel Discussion: Execution and Trading on Equity Markets -
The Trend
专题探讨∶ 证券交易的最新趋势
This session will discuss
the hottest issue of buy and sell side trading and the various offering of
brokers for both domestics and international trades. We will
discuss issues such as algorithmic trading, QDII trading etc.
· Jun Wang, Trader, Haitong Securities Asset Management
· Michael
Wang, Head of Trading, China International Fund Management
· Jane Yuan, Head of Trading, Director, International Business Department, Haitong Securities
Moderator: William Yung, Financial Services Advisory Partner, PwC China
4:15pm |
Remarks 闭幕词
Mangles, Regional Director, Asia Pacific, FIX Protocol Ltd, and Director,
4:30pm |
of Conference 会议结束