About Omgeosm
At Omgeo, we are the operations experts, automating trade lifecycle events between investment managers, broker/dealers and custodian banks. We enable 6,500 clients and 80 technology partners in 52 countries around the world to seamlessly connect and interoperate. By automating and streamlining post-trade operations, we enable clients to accelerate the clearing and settlement of trades, and better manage and reduce their counterparty and credit risk. Our strength lies with our global community and our ability to adapt our solutions to enable clients to realize clear returns on their investment strategies, while responding to changing market and regulatory conditions. Across borders, asset classes, and trade lifecycles, Omgeo is the global standard for operational efficiency across the investment industry. Formed in 2001, Omgeo is jointly owned by the DTCC and Thomson Reuters. For more information, please visit www.omgeo.com.
关于 Omgeosm
Omgeo 的员工均为业务专家,致力于为投资经理、经纪商/交易商和托管银行服务,让三者之间的交易生命周期事件得到自动化处理。在我们的努力下,使全球 52 个国家/地区的 6500 位客户和 80 个技术合作伙伴实现了无缝连接和交互操作。通过自动化和简化交易后业务,我们使客户能够更快完成交易的清算及结算,并更好地管理和降低交易对手风险和信用风险。我们的实力源于遍布全球的社区网络,并且能够在应对不断变化的市场和监管状况的同时,调整解决方案以使客户的投资策略获得明确回报。不管在哪个国家、处理哪种资产类别,还是参与交易生命周期的哪一环节,Omgeo 都树立了投资行业高效运营的全球标准。Omgeo 成立于 2001 年,由美国存管信托及结算公司 (DTCC) 和汤森路透 (Thomson Reuters) 共同所有。如需了解更多信息,请访问 www.omgeo.com。
Progress Software (NASDAQ: PRGS) is a global software company that enables enterprises to be operationally responsive to changing conditions and customer interactions as they occur—to capitalise on opportunities, drive efficiencies, and reduce risk.
The comprehensive Progress portfolio provides leading solutions for enterprise integration, data interoperability and application development, including SaaS enablement and delivery in the cloud. The Progress® Responsive Process Management suite lets users gain real-time visibility into processes, immediately sense and respond to events, and continuously improve business processes.
The Progress® Apama® platform for capital markets specialises in algorithmic trading, market aggregation, smart order routing, real-time pricing, market surveillance and monitoring, commodities/energy trading and real-time risk management.
Apama gives firms the tools for creating, testing and deploying unique strategies for low latency, high throughput applications. Progress Apama is a market-leading algorithmic trading platform that enables both sell-side and buy-side traders to leverage proprietary trading strategies.
To know more please visit www.progress.com/apama. For more information on Progress Apama (North and South East Asia) please email Sharon Wu shwu@progress.com or phone +65 6303 5020.
集成于统一平台。备受赞誉的Progress ® Apama ® 复杂事件处理平台帮助企业实时分析大数据,追踪企业是否处于正确路线,及时探测机遇与风险。在资本市场行业,200多家金融机构正在使用Apama解决方案,它所具有的分析力将帮助企业及时发现交易机遇 -- 同时防止欺诈。
欲了解更多信息请访问www.progress.com, 或联系Sharon Wu shwu@progress.com/电话:+65 6303 5020.
Founded in 1995, Hundsun Technologies Inc. is the top software vendor for China's financial services industry. As the market leader and the only total solution provider in the Chinese capital market, Hundsun employs over 3000 professionals and count over 90% of China's brokerage firms, asset management companies, banks, insurance. trust and pension fund companies as our clients.
Our suite of products includes investment management and trading platforms, compliance, risk-management, retail and e-commerce solutions for both the buy-side and the sell-side institutions.
You can find in China:
- over 30 thousand financial branches are connected through Hundsun platforms
- 10 trillion RMB worth of China assets is managed by Hundsun systems
- over 100 million retail and institutional investors conduct transactions using Hundsun solutions
Hundsun is headquarted in Hangzhou and has subsidiaries in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States. For more information, please visit www.hundsun.com.
Decisions by financial market players about who provides their mission critical connectivity and data services are too important to involve taking a risk. True reassurance only comes from engaging a partner with a long-held reputation for reliability, global reach and specialist sector knowledge. For over a decade Transaction Network Services (TNS) has supplied these services, highly tailored to the financial community’s unique needs, and were one of the world’s first organizations to offer the industry a secure dedicated low latency extranet. Since those pioneering days, we’ve expanded our extremely resilient, highly secure network’s coverage globally and now our financial service division enables end users to connect in over 45 countries, including in the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
We can currently deliver:
- Access to e-Commerce and FIX connectivity, proprietary trading, broker dealers, exchanges, MTFs, ATS and ECNs
- Third party and order routing services
- On-net connectivity within days of request
- 24/7/365 network monitoring
- Customer portals, for ordering and monitoring
- Connection to over 1800 financial community endpoints around the world
- Strategic hosting /co-location
Participants include: fund managers, proprietary traders, broker dealers, exchanges, MTFs, ATS and ECNs.
Asset classes supported include: equities, foreign exchange, derivatives, fixed income and options hosting.
For further information, e-mail financial@tnsi.com, visit www.tnsfinancial.com or call +852 3103 1095
在由谁来提供关键任务连通性和数据服务方面,金融市场参与者所做出的决定非常重要,不能冒险。只有聘请在可靠性、全球覆盖范围和行业专业知识方面素来享有盛名的合作伙伴,才能真正安枕无忧。十多年来,交易网络服务(Transaction Network Services,简称TNS)公司一直在提供这类服务,完全根据金融界的独特需求进行量身定制,并且我们是世界上最先向金融界提供安全的专用低延迟外部网的公司之一。自创业以来,我们已经在全球范围内扩大了我们极其富有弹性、极其安全的网络覆盖范围;目前我们的金融服务部门已使超过45个国家的最终用户能够连接我们的服务,其中包括美洲、欧洲和亚太地区的国家。
- 电子商务和FIX连接、自营交易、经纪自营商、交易所、MTF、ATS和ECN的接入
- 第三方和交易指令传递服务
- 在提出请求数天内实现网内连接
- 全天候网络监控
- 用于下订单和监控的客户门户
- 连接全球逾1800个金融社区端点
- 战略性的托管/主机代管
如需详情,请发送电子邮件至financial@tnsi.com、访问www.tnsfinancial.com或致电 +852 3103 1095 |
Equinix connects businesses with partners and customers around the world through a global platform of high performance data centers, containing dynamic ecosystems and the broadest choice of networks. Platform Equinix connects more than 4,000 enterprises, cloud, digital content and financial companies including more than 900 network service providers to help them grow their businesses, improve application performance and protect their vital digital assets. Equinix provides a neutral meeting place for the world’s leading financial market participants including trading venues, buy and sell side firms, market data providers, technology providers and financial networks. These customers locate servers and infrastructure within Equinix data centers to support mission critical financial services applications with highly reliable, low-latency connectivity. Learn more at: http://www.equinix.com/industries/financial-exchange/
Equinix通过高性能的全球数据中心平台连接着众多全球商务合作伙伴和客户,在Equinix全球数据中心里汇聚着业界最能发挥互惠功能的生态系统和最丰富的网络选择。Platform Equinix连接了4000多家企业、云服务供应商、数字内容供应商和金融公司,其中包括900多家网络服务供应商,以协助他们不断拓展业务、改善应用性能、并保护其核心数字资产。Equinix为诸如交易场所、买卖方公司、市场数据供应商、技术供应商和金融网络等全球领先的金融市场参与者们提供了一个中立的汇聚场所。这些客户将其服务器和基础设施托管在Equinix数据中心内,以便为其重要的金融服务应用提供高可靠、低时延的通信连接。有关详情,请访问: http://www.equinix.com/industries/financial-exchange/
About Kx
Since 1993, Kx's high-performance database technology has been used by global financial institutions.
As long as the data volumes are massive and fast analysis is required, kdb+, a high-performance database combined with an expressive programming language, is considered indispensable. The technology was initially used by Finance clients in Equity and Fixed Income departments to meet real-time trading requirements. Today these same customers are using kdb+ as a central data repository for many other applications.
For example, kdb+ is used for monitoring hardware performance and network throughput, with performance measurements calculated in nanoseconds. Our customers tell us the insights they are gaining are very valuable to the business. For more information visit www.kx.com.
自 1993 年以来,
全球的金融机构已一直使用 Kx 的高性能数据库技术。
只要数据量是非常巨大和需要快速分析的话, kdb+,一个高性能的数据库结合编程语言是不可缺少的。这技术最初是由金融客户所用。这技术主要是要达到股票和定息债券实时交易的要求。 今天,同样的客户会使用kdb+作为中央数据储存库来配合很多其它类型的应用软件来使用。
OneMarketData provides market data management and analytical solutions that enable financial institutions to outmaneuver the competition by executing new trading strategies faster. Through its flagship product OneTick, the only solution that combines complex event processing (CEP) and tick data management spanning both historical and real-time, quants, analysts and traders can enhance alpha and increase performance through superior data management. Through its intuitive, performance-driven design, OneTick users benefit from an enterprise system that was built by Wall Street experts to address the sophisticated data analysis needs of the most discerning financial institutions.
OneMarketData为金融机构提供市场数据管理和分析解决方案,使其能更快地执行新的交易策略以在竞争中制胜。旗舰产品OneTick拥有卓越的历史和实时复杂事件处理(CEP)和Tick Data数据管理的功能,帮助金融工程师,分析师和交易员提高詹森指数和绩效。通过OneTick直观、绩效驱动的设计,用户将从由华尔街专家为要求极高的金融机构量身定做的高阶数据处理系统中获益。 |
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